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The Evolution—and Importance—of Athletic Training Programs

Students being treated in athletic training facility

A Q&A with Immaculata University Athletic Training Program Director Kelly A. Stalker, Ed.D., LAT, ATC

How has the field of athletic training changed in the past decade?

There have been so many changes in the field of athletic training over the past 10 years. 最明显的变化是要求运动训练硕士学位参加认证委员会的考试. This decision was made due to the changing landscape of higher education and health care. Along with this change, the scope of practice for athletic trainers has broadened in many states. 根据目前的运动训练教育认证委员会(CAATE)的教育标准,入门级运动教练现在准备了一套更高级的技能. Over the past decade there has been an increased focus on concussion prevention, assessment, and treatment; youth sport safety; and profession advocacy.

When the NFL’s Buffalo Bills’ player, Damar Hamlin, almost died on the football field and was rescued by the team’s athletic trainers, how did that incident impact the profession?

Despite the severity of this incident, the media coverage brought the athletic training profession into the spotlight. The medical team, including the athletic training staff, were acknowledged for their quick and efficient response to the situation. Certified Athletic Trainer, Denny Kellington, was recognized as the individual providing CPR on the field and ultimately saving Hamlin’s life. 全国范围内对这一极其激烈的经验的报道表明,运动训练员是受伤和紧急护理的主要防线. 这样的情况无意中为这一职业提供了支持,并进一步证明了各级运动参与对运动教练的需求.

When you watch sports, either in person or on TV, what are your immediate thoughts when a player is injured?

My reaction is dependent on the severity of the injury, 哪一个通常是通过听到的声音和个人摔倒的方式来初步评估的. Even when I am not the athletic trainer on the field providing coverage, 我仍然处于运动教练模式,并立即开始尝试收集有关潜在伤害和立即护理行动的信息. When watching sports on TV, 我立即寻找回放,以显示受伤的机制,以确定力量的方向和可能受到影响的潜在结构.

It seems like sports organizations are taking player safety more seriously than in the past. Do you think that’s true and if so, why?

Professional organizations have always been concerned with player safety, but over time, we have learned more about the cause of injuries and lasting effects. This has resulted in annual rule changes and altered medical protocols. 安全规则的变化可以追溯到19世纪后期,当时足球中的“飞行V”或“飞行楔形”阵型因造成大量伤害而被禁止. Every five years, 国际运动脑震荡会议回顾了目前的脑震荡评估协议,并发表了一份更新的声明. 今年夏天,运动脑震荡评估工具-6 (SCAT-6)发布,对之前的工具进行了重大修订, including an office assessment tool and additional coordination and balance assessments.

You’ve stated that athletic trainers are the first line of defense. Can you explain how their training provides for this level of preparation?

Kelly Stalker

Kelly Stalker

运动教练必须毕业于CAATE批准的运动训练专业,并通过国家认证考试. 所有的教育项目都遵循以能力为基础的方法,在运动训练的五个领域培养未来的运动教练:1.) Risk Reduction, Wellness and Health Literacy, 2.) Assessment, Evaluation, and Diagnosis, 3.) Critical Incident Management, 4.) Therapeutic Intervention, and 5.) Health Care Administration and Professional Responsibility. Athletic trainers are trained to care for emergency situations such as traumatic brain injury, spinal injury, cardiac and/or respiratory arrest, heat illness, mental health crisis, etc. Annually, 运动教练审查他们的紧急行动计划,以确保有效性,并与整个医疗团队一起练习必要的技能. Every two years, 运动教练需要提交至少50小时的继续教育,并更新他们的CPR/AED证书(最低水平的专业救援人员或基本生命支持).  During the education process, athletic training students learn and practice emergency care skills such as wound care, application of tourniquets, suturing, heat illness management, spinal stabilization, and care for cardiac or pulmonary compromise, including CPR, AED, and insertion of external airways.

What are some important traits for an athletic trainer to have?

Athletic trainers need to possess the ability to multi-task, manage their time, and be organized. 在运动教练的日常生活中,他们同时与多个病人一起工作.  At any given time, there are individuals in the facility for an injury/illness evaluation, 同时也有很多人正在接受治疗或完成他们的康复方案. During this time, the athletic trainer needs to be able to work with all patients, 同时优先处理最重要的事情,并及时完成所有这些事情,让个人能够按时回到活动中. 此外,运动教练必须具备良好的沟通和倾听技巧. They must communicate with patients, other medical staff, specialty physicians, coaches, athletic directors, supervisors, and parents/care givers. While performing an evaluation, athletic trainers need to be critical thinkers and listen to everything the patient states.  I often compare the role of an athletic trainer to that of a detective. 你需要收集所有提供的信息,像拼图一样把它们放在一起,或者利用线索来解开谜团,以便为病人做出诊断. Finally, it is important for an athletic trainer to be creative. Not all patients and conditions are alike. There are many protocols and procedures for treatments, but not all patients respond to them in the same way.

Immaculata offers a master’s degree in athletic training. How vital is it for students to continue their education in this field?

从2022年开始,体育训练专业将专业学位要求改为硕士学位. Therefore, in order to become certified and practice as an athletic trainer, students need to obtain a master’s degree from a CAATE-accredited athletic training program, like the one we offer at Immaculata. This transition is still fairly new, 因此,很难说大约有多少人会继续接受博士学位或新设立的住院医师项目的教育. However, 所有的运动教练都需要参加继续教育,每两年向认证委员会(BOC)提交他们的学习经验,以保持他们的认证.  Therefore, 运动教练总是在不断学习和成长,以跟上领域内最新的研究和技术.

Besides working for a sports team, what other jobs can graduates pursue?

According to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA), the majority of athletic trainers are employed in traditional school settings. 24%在学院/大学工作,24%在中学工作. Middle schools are grouped with secondary schools, but more and more school districts are hiring athletic trainers for their middle school sports. In addition to these settings, 16% of athletic trainers are in the clinic or hospital setting, and only 3% are in professional sports. Approximately 3% of athletic trainers are employed in what we refer to as emerging settings, which include performing arts, public safety (police, fire, etc.), military and occupational health. One of our alumnae is employed as an Early Intervention Specialist at a cosmetic company.  In this role she manages on-site injuries and even saved a man’s life by performing CPR.

What advice would you give to a student considering a career as an athletic trainer?

运动训练是一种有益的职业,你可以与你的病人建立牢固的专业关系. Athletic trainers are part of the process from injury prevention through return to participation, making athletic training unique compared to many other health care professions. To be successful as an athletic trainer, students need to have a strong interest in and understanding of science and the human body. The general population often perceives the profession as providing water, giving ice, and taping, but there is much more involved than those basic tasks. This is a profession for individuals who have an interest in health care, want to make an impact in the lives of others, enjoy a high-paced environment, and most importantly do not mind working with blood, bodily fluids and feet.


Immaculata University’s Master of Athletic Training (MAT) program 提供六种临床教育经验,从学生的第二学期开始. 其中两种体验是沉浸式体验,学生参加全日制临床教育. During the final clinical education experience, 学生可以去全国任何地方参加他们的沉浸式体验,在任何领域的学习/专业. In Spring 2023, 一名学生在佛罗里达大学完成了他对女子足球和田径的最后体验. Additionally, the program builds additional certification opportunities into the program.  Following completion of specific courses, students are eligible to sit for certification examinations for Mental Health First Aid, CPR Instructor, Positional Release Therapy, Hawk Grips, etc. Finally, Immaculata大学MAT是一个紧密结合的项目,学生之间和教师之间密切合作,以促进个性化的学习体验.

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